Part Three (3): Virtual Reality
I've been removed from college for two-years now. Two-years of the "real world" and "working on my career". The problem is, these terms are a total joke. All I'm trying to do right now is make a quick dollar and get to the point where I can have the college life without classes. I don't know about your college experience, but mine entailed video games, cereal and ramen noodles, random hookups with girls I regretted most of the time, smoking weed, sleeping, and watching countless hours of Comedy Central and HBO. Now, the only thing I want in life is to have that lifestyle, but with some luxury. I know there are those of you who want more out of life than this. You wish to change the world or invent a product that can make John Q. Consumer's and Jane R. Homebody's lives better. Ultimately, if you are a college graduate who is at a shit-job (that you hate) running numbers (you don't care about) for a boss you never see (unless you fuck up), your goal is luxury; removal from your existence into a higher plane of living. Who wouldn't want it, besides some idealists whose religious or moral mindsets implore them to do otherwise? Enter the internet, a seemingly infinite supplier of opportunity to those that don't have it, or very limited access otherwise. It takes the proverbial "door with no handle" and literally blows the mother fucker down special forces style. Who needs corporate ladders when the web can provide elevators. Who needs rungs to climb when you can push a button and just as easily, if not faster, and with coffee in hand get to the same place? Finally, the corporate structure in America has changed from bricks and mortars to clicks and borders, and there's nothing the big machines can do about it. MySpace, YouTube, Facebook, CollegeHumor...these sites have created young millionaires that would probably be in Accounting or Processing of some larger firm. Instead they get to work in sweatpants in front of the TV. In my opinion, the goal of a luxury-enhance college lifestyle may be physically out of reach, but I can sure as hell double-click it.
The Facebook guys are asking for 2 billion! What a bunch of little shits. They're probably going to get it too. lol
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